POSITION:  Contributing Writer

ABOUT ME:  Stacy Lattisaw was not yet a teenager when she recorded her first album. Although she had already been singing six years, she was well on her way toward developing a vocal style of her own.

She was born and raised in Washington, DC. She sang in the local talent and fashion shows in the DC area. At the early age of eleven, she sang before an estimated crowd of about 30,000 on a bill with Ramsey Lewis. She performed five songs, Stacy says, “At first I was scared, but once I started to sing, I was okay”.

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It wasn’t long before Henry Allen, President of Cotillion Records, heard of this young sensation and signed her up posthaste. Stacy continued on to complete a total of twelve albums during her singing career.

At the age of thirteen she went on a thirteen-week tour with the legendary singer Michael Jackson. She also traveled to several foreign countries, which included Germany, South Africa, Jamaica, London, Bermuda, Japan and the Bahamas Islands. Stacy has performed with some of the biggest names in the recording business.

As Stacy began to mature in age and mind, her desires began to change. There was always an emptiness inside that she could not quite understand. Stacy says the best decision that she ever made was making Jesus the Lord of her life. Behold, the Emptiness inside has been filled. She is fully committed to serving the Lord Jesus.

God has blessed her with a born again husband who loves the Lord. They have two beautiful children, Kevin and Kayla. Stacy says” she’s a well-kept woman, kept by the grace of God.