POSITION:  Editor and Contributing Writer
ABOUT ME:  I have been blessed with opportunities from the Lord to pay it forward.  I have presented a variety of workshops on relationships and personal development to thousands of students across the country. I “activate” workshop participants to take a stand to improve their quality of life, one area at a time by helping them see beyond their present situations to their future greatness. 

My methods for changing self-defeating behaviors are both profound and easy to grasp.  I am an enthusiastic and creative workshop presenter who has been labeled insightful, entertaining, humorous, and energetic.

My favorite quote is, “Sometimes you have to close your eyes to see clearly.”

WHAT I BRING TO T2T: I firmly believe there is a need for a holistic approach to training and learning for everyone. I believe that people are poised on the edge of their greatness ready to take flight.  I am a vessel to speak on topics that people forget they had to endure as they bask in their success.  I am a technophile and love helping people.  I have humor, research, and the Lord on my side (not necessarily in that order).  I am an advocate for personal reform and speak out through my writing and other media avenues.  My columns will help people who can’t see their greatness for many reasons.  I hand them a resource tool belt equipped with a sledgehammer so they can break down any obstacles that may be in the way of their future greatness. 

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